Wednesday, December 2, 2015

But Ma, I Love Caffeine!

Hey friends,

I love caffeine. Despite trying to use the most non-toxic products and trying to eat the healthiest foods, I have a torrid love affair with caffeine.

Soda, coffee, tea -- My mouth is watering.  The downside is, I don't think I react to it very well. One cup of coffee in the morning is fine but when I start round two, I end up getting hives and crashing.

I was trying out one of my newer decks, the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards (Doreen Virtue), and decided to ask a general, "Should I know anything about my health" question.

How convenient...
The first card I pulled was this lovely angel riding a bearded unicorn screaming,"CAFFEINE FREE!"
Normally,  I wouldn't take hyperactivity advice from someone riding around a unicorn, fist pumping the sky, but he looks so happy flying around on his caffeine-free mythical creature. 

The truth is, caffeine can block our connection to ourselves, spirit, the angels, etc. I know natural caffeine does have its health benefits (hooray!) but when we our overloading ourselves --especially with synthetic ingredients--we are doing more harm than good. 

If you struggle with a caffeine addiction, then ask your angels to cut your cords of dependency on it. You might still get a headache or two but your body will thank you and you'll restore your natural energy levels.

Is anyone else a caffeine addict? How do you try to kick your habit? Let me know in the comments!

Reminder that I am doing $10 Angel Card Readings via! 
I can't wait to hear from you! :) 

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